Affiliate Associations

“Building international relationships with professional partners from the outsourcing industry is one of the goals for Pro Progressio. It is our great pleasure to cooperate with IAOP, co-create the European Outsourcing Council and share the industry’s best practices in Poland and Europe.” ~ Wiktor Doktór, CEO, Pro Progressio


IAOP has created a partnership framework for affiliate associations. IAOP Affiliate Associations are professional, industrial and trade associations that operate as part of a global network to promote outsourcing, offshoring, shared services and related management practices, industries and professions. With these goals in mind, IAOP has formed unique multi-dimensional relationships with the following associations: 


    Aloic is a non profit organization, officially constituted in 2012 to consolidate the project conceived by four regional partners to integrate the market through the exchange of knowledge. They are: Tecnovoz (Argentina), Grube Editorial (Brasil), Asociación Colombiana de Contact Centers & BPO (Colombia) y el Instituto Mexicano de Teleservicios (México).  ALOIC already includes new members in : Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay and Peru.  These partners promote an exchange of knowledge through its annual Congresses. The group structured the first regional integration project, creating the LATAM Award, recognizing best practices of interaction with clients in Latin America, on 2017 will be the 6th Edition. To learn more, visit


    Russian National Association of Strategic Outsourcing (ASTRA) is a professional organization aimed at setting up industry standards as well as promoting outsourcing as an industry and profession. The strategic goal of ASTRA is to form and develop the outsourcing market in Russia and CIS. ASTRA members are leading companies working in the Russian outsourcing industry, including Jet Infosystems, CROC, Open Technologies, Rosservice, SBSystems, StinsComan, Accenture, Optima Services, Hewlett Packard, IBS DataFort, in4media and ISG. ASTRA helps organizations to use outsourcing as a business instrument to increase efficiency and cut operational costs. To learn more, visit (in Russian only).  As Russia’s premier strategic outsourcing industry association, ASTRA has brought together the leading Russian outsourcing service providers and professionals. ASTRA hosts an annual Russian Outsourcing Forum in Moscow (in November), issues an annual report about the Russian Outsourcing Industry and publishes white papers on Russian outsourcing service providers.


    BPESA is the recognised Industry Body and Trade Association for the Global Business Services (GBS) Sector in South Africa. As a not for pro?t entity, BPESA was established to promote trade and serve the interests of its many stakeholder groups engaged in the development, growth and sustaining of this vibrant sector that cuts across many industry verticals of the economy. BPESA’s services are targeted at international captive and outsourcing operators; domestic captive and outsourcing operators; vendors supplying enabling capabilities and services to the sector; and the international clients whose customers are serviced from South Africa. BPESA delivers its services in partnership with Government, at all levels, and various not for pro?t organisations including social enterprises and the professional bodies that support contact centre services, ?nance and accounting services, legal services, IT services, HR services and knowledge services. BPESA provides access for its members to other business networks and associations that drive and influence the sectors transition into the digital economy and industry 4.0, ensuring that knowledge is shared, best practices are identified and advocated, and business networks established to enhance productivity and global competitiveness in an ever-changing world. Visit them at

  • CISQ

    The Consortium for IT Software Quality™ (CISQ™) is an IT leadership group that develops international standards for automating the measurement of software size and structural quality from the source code. The standards written by CISQ enable IT and business leaders to measure the risk IT applications pose to the business, as well as estimate the cost of ownership. CISQ was co-founded by the Object Management Group® (OMG®) and Software Engineering Institute (SEI) at Carnegie Mellon University. To date, CISQ has delivered standards for Automated Function Points, Automated Enhancement Points, Security, Reliability, Maintainability, Performance Efficiency, and Technical Debt. Visit them at


    clientesa magazine was born with an editorial line focused on highlighting the strategic vision in decision-making throughout the relationship management process with clients, addressing concepts such as CRM, Loyalty, Service Centers, Technology and Human Resources. The ultimate goal of the publication is to contribute to the growth of the sector, transforming information into knowledge through detailed sectoral research and translating trends for the corporate market. On a monthly basis, the magazine has national distribution in Brazil. Launched in October 2001, clientesa portal is a media whose editorial line focused on the customer and is committed to contributing to the transition of companies to go to focus on that business, is the most cost-effective as possible, as adds speaking exclusively management and relationship.


    ACDECC&BPO was created in 2001 by a group of entrepreneurs in order to group corporate persons and other entities comprising Call Centers, Contact Centers, hardware, software and industry service providers, as well as corporate persons with their own call or contact centers. ACDECC&BPO is the only Association Exclusively dedicated for the Contact Centers and BPO Sector in Colombia.




    Emerging Europe is a movement or a think-and-do tank that generates ideas on how to enhance collaboration among the countries, foster development in the region and build a better future for it. We act as a bridge between the academic and policymaking communities, between the state and civil society, between locations and investors, serving as an independent voice that translates the region to the global audience. Emerging Europe is not affiliated with any organisation, business or government.


    With over 24 years of experience, we are the leading organization in the industry of Contact Centers and the Enterprise Management Relations - Customer in Mexico and Latin America. During this path, we have advised more than 450 companies from different twists and trained more than 52.230 executives. We offer a full range of professional services, and various forums updating and dissemination.  We have a team of professionals includes specialists with the ability and experience to meet the expectations of your company.  Our main goal is to promote the development of best practices, professionalism and competitiveness of the organizations we serve, helping to optimize their relationships and interaction with customers and users, to the challenges and opportunities of the global environment.


    The Nordic ITOSDA is the only dedicated Association covering the IT Outsourcing and Software Development industry across the Nordic Regions and the rest of the world. The Association covers various aspects of IT and Outsourcing, including Business Processes, ITES BPO; SaaS/Cloud Computing and Near/Off - Shore Software Development. Representing the interests of end users, suppliers and all supporting services, we are committed to disseminating the benefits of strategic IT outsourcing, sharing best practice and fostering peer-to-peer networking. Our focus is on improving and enhancing the IT/BPO and software development business climate in the Nordic region. Visit them at


    Pro Progressio is the Foundation located in Poland focused on the development of outsourcing industry. Among the goals of the Foundation is the promotion of Poland as the best near and offshoring location, outsourcing education and promotion of service suppliers and their business environment. Foundation is using OutsourcingPortal and Outsourcing&More Magazine (the only Polish-English outsourcing industry media) to achieve the goals but also as promotion tools offered to Outsourcing Club Members. Outsourcing Club is a membership project run by the Pro Progressio. The members of the Club are services suppliers, cities, development agencies, consulting organizations, real estate developers and other organizations form the outsourcing industry environment. View their publication, Outsourcing & More magazine. Visit them at


    TecnoVoz specializes in developing and marketing products and services, Computer Telephony & Multichannel Solutions for the corporate market, with a particular stake in the industry contact centers. We combine the benefits of unique products and an excellent business proposition to ensure your company usufruct of new technologies while minimizing their business risks. Our accumulated expertise, powered by a human resource focused on the incorporation of knowledge, results in a constantly innovative management focused on creating solutions tailored to each client. With extensive commercial presence within the country, together with our representatives in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, United States, Mexico, Peru, Puerto Rico and Venezuela, we will strengthen our ability to innovate by launching new products and services with a model of commercial distribution and strategically support regionalized. Framed in the philosophy of developing long-term relationships with our customers, we create the most varied trading strategies that allow us to join them in growing their business.  30,000 seats installed in more than 230 contact centers in Latin America only say one thing: we do and we do it well.


To learn more about how your association can benefit from partnering with IAOP, contact Michael Forbes at +1.845.452.0600 ext. 118 or at

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