The Reincarnation of Outsourcing: From Disruption to Domination (When Disruption is Everywhere)

It is happening fast. Old ways give to new business models, processes and
philosophies; collaboration is imperative; innovation is not optional; the workplace is modernized. Technology, like RPA, cognitive, AI and blockchain, are at the forefront of this disruption, but it’s not just tech. Geopolitics have stormed to center stage, turning globalization on its head. The ‘gig economy’ is changing the labor force.  

The race to deliver the most affordable and efficient services is on, how do you
make sense of the opportunities and then maximize them?

Join IAOP and hundreds of customers, service providers, advisors and academics,
on February 18-21, at the Renaissance Orlando, in Orlando, Florida, as we examine these and other topics critical to your success.

Register now for this world-class event, taking place February 18-21, 2018 at the Renaissance Orlando, in Orlando, Florida!

“From finding out the latest industry trends to meeting colleagues from around the world who face the same challenges I do, I came away from OWS 17 energized with lots of ideas and resources that will help me drive value in my company.” - Mary D. Lewis, Sprint

Request information on speaking, sponsoring, exhibiting or attending OWS18 at

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