The Global Technology & Business Services Council announces the launch of its inaugural event program: The Global Technology & Business Services Series


November 4, 2020 - The Global Technology & Business Services Council is delighted to present its inaugural conference program. The Global Technology & Business Services Series marks the launch of a truly unique, global initiative which represents the world’s premier gathering of global technology and business services professionals. The program launches with keynote presentations delivered on the 30th November and 1st December 2020 and will be followed by a series of monthly deep-dive events.

The Series will be delivered as a virtual program due to travel restrictions and limitations still in place in many countries across the world.  

The Series signifies a world first, as the industry comes together in a wholly global and collaborative manner for the first time ever. Inspired by the phenomenal response across sourcing partnerships around the world when COVID-19 struck, an alliance was formed between 12 major associations for technology and business services around the world, to both applaud how the industry responded, and, with a firm commitment to collaborate to create a global vision for the future of the industry. 

The Series will look at how the services industry will challenge, collaborate and co-create to deliver exceptional innovations and phenomenal business value to buyers and providers alike. Under the direction of the Council representatives, the Series has been designed to will delve into subjects from surviving then thriving through a global pandemic through industry best practice to pushing for essential business changes. The Series will champion imperative matters including impact sourcing, supplier diversity, inclusion and belonging, modern slavery and sustainability, with the intent to drive significant change. The global nature of this Series makes making that change a very viable reality.
The leading associations around the world are pooling their insights, membership bases and contacts to collaborate on this world-leading Series. 

 A spokesperson for GT&BSC commented: “The critical intent of this Series is to provide organizations around the world – buyers, service providers and advisors – with firstly a vision for the future of the global technology and business services industry, focusing on the macro-economic perspective of our industry. All major themes and topics will then be debated and discussed as the Series unfolds over the coming months, leaving delegates feeling highly motivated and passionate about the opportunities ahead of them, yet armed with clear ideas on how to handle the numerous challenges they are and will no doubt face.

Together we have and continue to curate the leading keynote speakers and advisors from around the world to provide delegates with a very rare yet very true view of the industry from a global perspective.”

Founding members of GT&BSC (in alphabetical order):

ABSL, covering Poland, Romania, Czech Republic, The Balkans, The Baltics 
AIBEST, Bulgaria 
ALES, covering Latin America
ASTRA, covering Russia and Belarus
BPESA, South Africa
GSA, United Kingdom
IAOP, United States
ITIDA, Egypt

Notes to editors:
The Global Technology & Business Services Council is an alliance of the leading regional associations around the world, representing the interest of the global technology and business services industry. Its purpose is to promote the industry for growth by sharing best practices and thought leadership for the benefit of all its members and their clients and employees. The GT&BSC will lobby stakeholders to secure the best interests of its members. All members of the Council have signed up to the Industry code of conduct.

For more information contact:

Kerry Hallard, London: 
Mobile: + 44 7774 690447

Pawel Panczyj, Warsaw:
Mobile: +48 600 904 877 

Kim Maneeley, New York:
Phone: +1.845.452.0600 ext. 104

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