Impact of COVID-19 Beyond WFH: The Future of Delivery and Locations Strategies
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By: Everest Group

Summary: It’s no secret that COVID-19 has been one of the most significant disruptors of our time – and global services delivery has not escaped the impact. In this webinar, we move beyond commiseration and conjecture and provide a fact-based view of the already-visible effects of the pandemic based on our extensive tracking of outsourcing deals, new global business / shared services centers, location-specific trends, and service provider developments.

Our experts take a deep dive into the implications of these developments on your future delivery and locations strategies, such as key changes to delivery portfolios, trends in onshoring vs. offshoring, locations portfolio consolidation vs. diversification, rise in large scale hubs vs. small scale centers, and adoption of a remote / work from home delivery model.

The webinar also provides perspectives on how your organization can benefit from a design-principles-led locations portfolio approach to account for the increasing complexity of locations decisions.

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