IAOP’s standards program is led by the Outsourcing Standards Board - a separate not-for-profit organization created by IAOP expressly for the purpose of developing and advancing industry-wide standards and certification programs. Michael F. Corbett, Chairman Emeritus, IAOP, oversees the Board of Directors of the Outsourcing Standards Board (OSB). Other board directors and at-large members vary over time and are IAOP corporate members.
Code of Ethics and Business Practice Standards for Outsourcing Professionals
On September 6, 2005, the Outsourcing Standards Board released the Code of Ethics and Business Practice Standards for Outsourcing Professionals to enhance the professionalism of the individuals and organizations that work in the field of outsourcing. Though the field has evolved since that time, the ethics and business practices are as relevant today as they were then.
By adopting this code and requiring agreement to it by all of its members, IAOP’s Professional Members can be counted on to:
1) Adhere to generally accepted business standards in all of their business dealings
2) Accurately communicate, as a customer, provider or advisor, their and their organization’s experience and capabilities
3) Focus and evaluate their work based on measurable business outcomes achieved
4) Continuously enhance the profession and their professional skills through training and knowledge sharing
5) Be advocates for outsourcing and collaborative partnerships as a management practice, and
6) Proactively identify and resolve ethical and business practice issues if they occur
For a copy of the Code of Ethics and Business Practice Standards, click here.
Outsourcing Professional Standards
Key to ensuring high-quality outsourcing outcomes is constantly improving the capabilities of the business and project leaders responsible for defining, implementing, and managing these highly-complex multi-company business relationships.
COP Outsourcing Professional Standards
These standards have been developed to ensure that individuals who receive the Certified Outsourcing Professional (COP) or Associate Certified Outsourcing Professional (aCOP) designations possess the capabilities required to design, implement, and manage outsourcing initiatives with a high probability of achieving the organization’s intended outcomes.
The standards are just one part of an integrated program to improve outsourcing outcomes. They are based on the OPBOK and form the basis for the COP Master Class.
For a copy of the Outsourcing Professional Standards, click here. For more information on becoming a COP, click here.