Academic Alliance Partners


IAOP is concerned with all aspects of outsourcing on a global level. Our corporate and professional members are diverse in size, industry, region and service focus. Through our member feedback from surveys, research, and chapter and event activity, we endeavor to continue expanding our membership benefits to better enhance the value of our organization to all of our members.

IAOP acknowledges the importance of continually educating our members by developing research and providing academic-based best standards that improve the industry and outsourcing as a profession. With this goal in mind, IAOP has formed unique, multi-dimensional relationships with strategic Academic Alliance Partners.



    The University of Bamberg, located in Bavaria in Germany, was founded in 1649 and has been the first German university that has established a Faculty of Information Systems and Applied Computer Sciences. The Faculty was founded in 2001 and combines the field of Information Systems, with its roots in Economics, Management and Computer Science, with a realm of Applied Computer Sciences focusing on Media Informatics, Digital Humanities, and Green IT.

    Thus, the Faculty offers a unique portfolio of undergraduate and graduate programs in Information Systems and Computer Science. Moreover, it has recently established a program on International Information Systems Management, which prepares students for managing the IT function in global organizations and global sourcing relationships.

    As part of the Faculty, the Department for Information Systems and Services conducts research on outsourcing (ITO and BPO, Nearshoring Arrangements with Eastern Europe, Outsourcing Relationship Management, Cooperative Sourcing etc.) and offers courses on IT Governance and Value Creation, International Outsourcing Management, and IT Management.
    University of Bamberg and IAOP collaborate on:

    • Research related to the outsourcing industry
    • Insight and articles of interest to all IAOP members
    • Leadership role in the IAOP Germany Chapter
  • DePaul University, College of Computing and Digital Media

    Originating as the Department of Computer Science at DePaul University, the College of Computing and Digital Media (CDM) has evolved in the past two decades into an interdisciplinary college with a broad range of innovative programs. The college is organized into two schools: the School of Computing (SoC) and the School of Cinema and Interactive Media (CIM).

    At CDM, visual storytelling merges with technology and continue to excel in established and emerging fields. Their multidisciplinary approach means you develop the essential workplace skill of teamwork combined with the right mix of theory and practice and the education you need to apply critical and creative thinking to new fields and become a leader in a world in constant evolution.

    DePaul's School of Computing (SoC) offers 11 undergraduate degrees and 17 graduate degrees across the entire computing spectrum. Students can choose from a variety of technology fields including software application development, computer security, business analysis, and network technologies. As a result of being housed within the College of Computing and Digital Media, the School of Computing also offers a number of degrees in multidisciplinary areas like human-computer interaction, computer game development, and interactive media.

    Most courses offered by the School of Computing are supported by the home-grown Course Online (COL) system. COL integrates lectures playback with a comprehensive course management system that allows students the flexibility to review lectures or take courses entirely online. Over 80 online courses are offered online each quarter and eleven of our graduate degrees can be completed entirely online.

    DePaul and IAOP collaborate on: 

    • Co-Chairing IAOPs Chicago Chapter
    • Insight and articles of interest to all IAOP members 
  • Copenhagen Business School

    Copenhagen Business School (CBS) was established in 1917 and became integrated as an institution of higher education in the Danish education system in 1965. Today CBS is regulated by the Danish Universities Act 2003 under the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.CBS is one of the largest business schools in Europe with more than 16,000 students. CBS offers world-class research-based degree programs at undergraduate, graduate and Ph.D. levels as well as executive and other post-experience education programmes.CBS creates and provides original and relevant knowledge through publishing, participation in the public debate, consultancy and our Expert database Experts@CBS. CBS develops and shares knowledge in partnership with other universities, enterprises and organizations and contributes to the development of business and society.

    CBS  and IAOP collaborate on:

    • Co-Chairing IAOP’s Nordic Chapter
    • Research related to the outsourcing industry
    • Contributions to the IAOP Career Mapping Initiative
    • Insight and articles of interest to all IAOP members
  • University of St. Thomas
    Cameron School of Business

    The excellence of University of St. Thomas’ programs continue to hinge on one-to-one engagement between faculty and students and the academic leadership of our faculty. Our students are well prepared to go out into the world to take their place as leaders of faith and character. We will continue to grow, to promote academic excellence, and to enhance our service to our community until we take our place among the best universities in the world. The Cameron School of Business educates students of diverse backgrounds, teaching professional skills necessary for a changing global economy and instilling a deep appreciation for ethical behavior inspired by the educational tradition of the founding Basilian Fathers.

    Cameron School of Business  and IAOP collaborate on:

    • Co-Chairing IAOP’s Texas Chapter and IAOP Tools and Technology Innovation Chapter
    • Research related to the outsourcing industry
    • Contributions to the IAOP Career Mapping Initiative
    • Insight and articles of interest to all IAOP members
  • University of Missouri-St. Louis
    College of Business Administration

    The University of Missouri-St. Louis provides excellent learning experiences and leadership opportunities for a diverse student body through its outstanding faculty, ranked programs, innovative research and regional, national and international partnerships.

    UMSL employs more than 1,400 full-time and part-time teaching and research faculty members. Faculty are experts in their respective fields and routinely publish books and articles in nationally renowned academic journals. Several of its 131 degree and certificate programs have attained national recognition for their quality, including biology, criminology, education, information systems, international business, nursing, optometry, psychology, public policy and tropical ecology.

    The largest university in the region, UMSL enrolls more than 15,500 students from 46 states and 77 countries and 40,000 additional students in non-credit continuing education programs. Despite its international flavor, the UMSL student body comes primarily from and reflects the diversity of, the region. More than 1,200 students live on campus and 175 students participate in one of 11 NCAA Division II sports programs.

    UMSL  and IAOP collaborate on:

    • Co-Chairing IAOP’s Midwest  Chapter
    • Research related to the outsourcing industry
    • Contributions to the IAOP Career Mapping Initiative
    • Insight and articles of interest to all IAOP members
  • Ryerson University
    Ted Rogers School of Management

    Located on Bay Street, in the heart of Toronto's business community, The Ted Rogers School of Management at Ryerson University is Canada's largest undergraduate management school.  It is recognized for its innovative programs and for producing students who are immediately able to contribute to Canadian business.  The Ted Rogers School of Management is grounded in contemporary applied business practice.

    The available undergraduate Bachelor of Commerce (BComm) programs are grouped into the Ted Rogers School of Business Management, the Ted Rogers School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, the Ted Rogers School of Information Technology Management, and the Ted Rogers School of Retail Management.

    Graduate studies are also offered and consist of a broad-based Master of Busines Administration (MBA) with an international focus and an MBA and Master of Management Science (MMSc) in Management of Technology and Innovation.  Canada's top employers recruit and recognize the Ryerson MBA program.  The curriculum is rigorous and is a Canadian accredited MBA program and is currently under review for international accreditation through the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.  The program also has very flexible study options. 

    In addition to its innovative and solid curriculum, research is a primary focus.  The Ted Rogers School of Management is committed to research that directly contributes to the future success of its students, faculty, business in Canada and the nation's economy.  Research initiatives also include other Ryerson faculty members, as well as researchers at other universities in Canada and abroad.  

    Ryerson University and IAOP collaborate on:

    • Research related to CSR in the outsourcing industry
    • Contributions to the IAOP CSR Committee 
    • Insight and articles of interest to all IAOP members
  • University of Tennessee, Knoxville
    Graduate & Executive Education

    The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, College of Business Administration develops mindful leaders of worthy enterprise.  Founded in 1794, the University of Tennessee is the state’s land-grant institution. The College of Business Administration was founded in 1913 and the college’s Center for Executive Education (CEE) was founded in 1974.  CEE pioneered the development of open enrollment and custom programs in quality improvement, lean, and supply chain management. 

    The University of Tennessee Graduate & Executive Education is a leader in management education and business solutions.  It showcases open enrollment and custom programming in Vested Outsourcing (certification available), Supply Chain Management (certification available), Logistics, Performance-Based Life Cycle Product Support (PBL), Lean Enterprise, Process Improvement and Leadership Development.  It also offers transformational learning experiences through five, high-compression-learning Executive MBA programs that blend intensive residency periods with web-based, distance learning.

    UT and IAOP collaborate on:



    Trinity College Dublin
    School of Business

    Founded in 1592, Trinity College Dublin offers undergraduate and postgraduate programmes across 24 schools and three faculties: arts, humanities, and social sciences; engineering, mathematics and science; and health sciences. Spread across 47 acres in Dublin's city center, Trinity's 17,000-strong student body comes from all 32 counties of Ireland, and 16% of students come from outside the country.  The TCD School of Business is proud to offer a wide range of programmes at undergraduate, postgraduate and MBA level to the ablest students in a challenging, but friendly and nurturing environment.  The School has a globally-recognized track record in all areas of Business research, most particularly international business, public service management, social entrepreneurship and finance. The School is ranked 37th in the world by Eduniversal in 2013, and the Trinity MBA is among the top 39 globally, as recognized in the 2013 QS Elite Global Business Schools. 

    Trinity College Dublin and IAOP collaborate on:

    • Contributions to the IAOP UK/Ireland Committee 
    • Insight and articles of interest to all IAOP members



    University of Manchester
    Centre for Development Informatics

    The Centre for Development Informatics (CDI) is a multidisciplinary center researching the role of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in socio-economic development.  It is a recognized center of the University of Manchester Business School and the School of Environment, Education and Development.  Research in CDI focuses on nine main themes:  Business, Informatics and Development; e-Governance for Development; IT Sector Development; ICTs and Sustainability; ICT Policy; Innovation, Informatics and Development; Mobiles and Development; Social Media and Development; and Theorizing Development Informatics.  CDI manages two working paper series: Development Informatics working papers and i-Government working papers, and the ICTs-for-Development blog. CDI hosts a vibrant postgraduate research community and teaches the one-year Masters in ICTs for Development.

    University of Manchester Centre for Development Informatics and IAOP collaborate on:

    • Research related to the outsourcing industry
    • Insight and articles of interest to all IAOP members
    • Leadership role in the IAOP UK/Ireland Chapter



    Weatherhead School of Management
    at Case Western Reserve University

    Originally established as the School of Business by Western Reserve University in 1952, the Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio is committed to developing transformational ideas and outstanding leaders for the advancement of business and society. Weatherhead offers undergraduate, graduate, and doctorate programs in the Peter B. Lewis Building and executive programming in the George S. Dively Building on the campus of Case Western Reserve. Weatherhead students are engaged by faculty whose groundbreaking business concepts have transformed approaches to management education and business leadership all over the world. The learning community at Weatherhead applies the principles of design in management to envision better products, services and business practices across all industries for a better world. Weatherhead is the home of the first department of design and innovation, the first Ph.D. in operations research, the first Ph.D. in organizational behavior, the first doctoral program for practicing executives, and the first graduate disciplines in organizational behavior and operations research. Most recently, Weatherhead launched the Cleveland Clinic-Weatherhead Executive MBA Program and a Master of Science in Management - Business Analytics to address the growing need for management leadership in healthcare and in analytics. Weatherhead and IAOP collaborate on:

    • Contributions to the IAOP research repository
    • Insight and articles of interest to all IAOP members
    • Research related to fostering partnerships between industry and academia

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